It was all so exciting and stimulating that I kinda forget to take photos, but I did get two pictures from the Tattered Threads class on Sunday. I sat next to Gwen, pictured below sewing. A funny lady and brilliant artist!

And below is Julia, who was wearing this great tunic. Doesn't she have a terrific smile? She was even smiling when I mistakenly used her sewing machine in the morning without realizing. But she was happy to share! Everyone at this retreat was someone you would want for a friend. Hope to see everyone again!

Took three classes, two of which my sister, Karen, also picked. I loved the altered board book with Lesley Venable. Since I can't find what I did with that photo right this minute, I'll just skip on to the Altered Tin class. Serious Fun!!

Here's my rusty tin from Lesley Venable's class. It seems I forgot all about the step to stop the rusting. Hmm. Wonder if it will stop. What will it look like in a few months. Inquiring minds!
Lesley is a fabulous teacher. She is patient and funny. Full of energy. Super organized. Very talented. Is interested in everything. Yes, we loved her and the class. We really really want her to come teach at the Fernery Art Studio.

We made these crazy little books (you know I love books!) using formica samples (rob your local big box hardware store!). I used some of my dh's expired aeronautical charts to cover the "pages" and some travel scenes and quotes. You can't see it anymore but I stamped the box with a big map stamp. Both my sister, Karen, and I love to travel. Hope we get to do that sometime in the future!

Lesley shared this wonderful German scrap that looked like black lace, where did you get that Lesley?
Dear Friends, The Fernery building is starting to get way more fun now. Talking to the cabinet makers and thinking about lighting fixtures and all that. Don't forget to check out the latest photos.
1 comment:
Hi Barb! First off seal your tin now LOL. :) Forgot that little step did ya? Not to fret, rust is beautiful too. Secondly, the German Scrap is found at either or Last, but definitely not least, The Fernery is already on my calendar for 2010 and I am soooooooooo excited. I have been working on a couple of ideas that I think will make for great classes. The building looks wonderful by the way and I can't wait to be there. I miss all of you guys and I know the classes in Florida will be just as wonderful as they were in Connecticut. By the way, thanks a ton for the paper and the map! I am working on ATCs for everyone so those will be going out soon. Hope all is well!
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