This is so much fun to do! I was up late last night working on these for the Book Artz technique book page swap. As best I can tell, this technique was developed by Robin Beam. It shows up all over if you google it.
There are three parts to it. Background color or colors, a black image, and white doodling. Robin used Ranger inks for the background. Another artist used colored card stock. These pages started with acrylic paint thinned with glazing liquid. Thinning the acrylic colors makes them transparent so that you can layer them. The more glazing liquid, the more transparent. One of my favorite things to do in altered books and journal pages.
The images are cheapo foam stamps which had nice thick images, but not too cluttered. You could use any images you want, but you want to have space to doodle, cause that's the part that makes it really cool!
And then the mostest FUN part - doodling! Use a white pen. Everybody seems to have a different favorite white pen. There is a white pen from Ranger, but that wasn't in my local store so I got a white extra fine point paint pen. It works great! Smells good too? Am I getting high from that? hehehe
Hope y'all like 'em!