Thursday, June 12, 2008

Playing with color and BookMooch Journal Project news

New Journal pages exploring colorways. The new studio is going to be organized around color! I was thinking about those rolling bookcases you can get at Office Max that you can access from either side. And then having everything purple on one, like beads, fabric, fibers, paper, collage bits. Since I use all kinds of stuff in the same piece it makes sense. Well, still thinking about it.

But everything is going to have to roll, so spaces can be easily reconfigured depending on the current project or workshop.

Some really great colors accidentally "discovered" when playing in Photoshop. Color is an important part of an artist's vocabulary.

I love to doodle too. Working on a book for the BookMooch project that will invite participants to doodle! I'm going to get my first journal from that project in which to work shortly, it has been sent. Can't wait!

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