Since I last wrote, I went to see the Calder Jewelry exhibit at the Norton in Palm Beach. Calder made at least 1800 pieces of jewelry in his lifetime, mostly as gifts to his beloved wife and friends. I knew about his mobiles and stabiles, but hadn't really seen any of his jewelry and it was stunning! He used wire and found objects to make the most amazing pieces. Phenomenal. Please go see it or get the book on the exhibit. You will be blown away by what he could do with a piece of wire and a hammer.

Here's an altered tin for the spring altered tin swap from Unshelved Words. Trish told me about it and I couldn't resist. I cut out the front leaving a pretty frame and added a watercolor flower and a couple pressed flowers (under mica).

The inside is lined with some hand painted fabric and vintage lace. The poem is actually a haiku although space didn't allow the correct formating. Doesn't spring always make you think about starting again? What will you start this spring?
The tin is gorgeous! So glad to know you're playing, too. The tin you made me is one of my most prized posssessions. Cheers, Trish G.
Oh I love this!!!! I'm really into birds and nests and eggs. Thanks for visiting my blog. :) Marva
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