Dear Reader, slept so well last night! And why? Because I had 4 kitties sleeping on me. Now a one or two kitty night is common. Ru, the little orange cat, almost always sleeps on my shoulder or side. She's light as a feather, just a warm little presence. And faithful Salem, my big black loverboy, sleeps always by my feet. Sometimes he will roll over and lie on my feet or legs, but not too often. And then, when my toes are a bit cold, I might tuck them under his warm belly. But that will only last a few minutes until he wakes up sufficiently to give me a warning nip! LOL! But long enough, dear reader, to get those toes warm!
Third most common is Pixie, who is her Daddy's girl. She'll only allow me to pet her if we are all lying in bed. But she does sleep on my arm and hand fairly frequently and has taught me to pet her in my sleep. I'll wake up petting her, or perhaps she is lying on my hand with one regal silver paw wrapped around a finger.

Next, there's Alice, who until Uschi came along was the kitten of the family for nearly four years. She likes to snuggle for 5 minutes or so as soon as I go to bed, but then must resume her duties at the highest spot in the room, where she carefully watches for any infraction of the rules.
When Uschi was a little kitten (she is now an 8 pound 8 month old teenager) she always slept with us. But as is the way, she is now asserting her independence. To our sorrow, she doesn't sleep with us all that much anymore.

So last night I woke up and upon returning to bed, I picked up Uschi and brought her back to bed with me. As you know, dear reader, cats are often more pliant when sleepy. She seemed happy to be there, and soon snuggled up with head on my leg and feet in my tummy. Ru resumed her place on my shoulder. Pixie snuggled down on my arm, curling paw around finger. And then, to my delight, Salem rolled over and put his head on my foot.
As I drifted off, I felt secure in the knowledge that no matter how far I might fly in my dreams, my body was safe and securely weighted down by my dear little friends.

Love is the only way, dear reader, that we will survive this mess. It is the best part of us, and that which resonates with the universe. Tell those you love, that you love them, and give them a hug. Today.