Here are our tile mirrors drying before we are able to grout.

This is my piece, before it was grouted.

Here we are grouting in the pouring rain. You see Veronica's back (Gina had personal business most mornings), and at the end of the table is my new friend Gail who lives near where my husband and I are moving. Can't wait to get together and see all her mosaic projects! The rain kept us from being able to finish all our projects since it seriously slowed drying time. Thanks Veronica for being so patient and helpful!

Here are my classmates. Gail (left standing) is working on her yin/yang turtle tabletop. Bonnie (black tanktop) and Gail are sisters and have collaborated on mosaic projects. I can't wait to see their outdoor shower! Bonnie made a beautiful pink flamingo, which you see here in early stages. Vivian (far right standing) set her tabletop with three large leaves. Sitting with her back to us in this picture is Margo. Margo is a printmaker from Wisconsin, whose amazing sturgeons came out fabulous. She showed us many pictures of real sturgeons which are caught during the winter on Lake Winnebago, near her and Vivian. Her sturgeons were beautiful and colorful!